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Narrative Analysis

Reading of stories by outstanding local and international authors for the evaluation of the narrative and literary resources these writers used in their works, providing a wide variety of techniques, styles, and voices.

Unfading Words

This workshop is based on the book Guía básica para escribir relatos contemporáneos by the workshop facilitator YormanMejías. A basic guide for the development of stories and novels, it coversthe techniques for the creation of characters, narrator, dialogues, conflicts, interior monologue, emotional arcs, intertextuality, environment and narrative tension and time, among others.

Poetry workshop

The main objective of the workshop is "to promote, through creative exploration and poetic composition, communication skills and emotional tools that strengthen learning and self-help processes in the young attendees." Various elements such as imagery, time, territory, exile, love, and social voice will be addressed.

Project Management and Development

This workshop is designed to simplify the five essential steps of project management, and its elaboration and implementation. In the six virtual sessions participants will create, together with the advice of teacher José Juan Hernández, a proposal to be carried out in the Municipality of Cereté and its surroundings. The following phases will take place in the five meetings:


Who should benefit and what are their needs?

Phase 2


People affected by a problem

Phases 3


Monitor and Supervise


Impact and Sustainability

Lessons learned.

Narrative Analysis

Bachelor of Administration, writer, coach, improviser, and teacher. He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1986.As a writer, he actively participates in international writing competitions. In December 2020, he won First Prize at the Bahía Blanca Narrative Festival with his story Lo que no fue, no es.In 2014, his first book SerSalvaje, was published by Zeit Ediciones. In 2019 his second work, Cosmovisión (or the way you interpret the nature of things), was printed by the same publisher. He is currently editing his third book of short stories and a novel.

He is the founder and teacher of the RESET Improvisation group, a different and innovative, improvised comedy show. He is co-founder of TintaNegra, a creative digital, audio-visual, and technical content agency.

He is a co-founder coach at UNPLUG Art & Business, the first professional coaching company focused on artistic and emotional techniques.

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Manu Ruffa

Unfading Words

He was born in the city of Valencia, Venezuela. He is a writer, editor and professor graduated from the University of Carabobo (Venezuela) with a degree in Education, and a minor in Language and Literature. He works as an editor at LACUHE Ediciones, a publisher based in New York City. In 2016 he published Minicuentos/ Mini-stories. In 2017 he designed the Guía básica para escribir relatos contemporáneos (basic guide to writing contemporary stories), which he uses as a basis for teaching Creative Writing and Narrative Techniques workshops. These workshops have been held in cities such as Valencia (Venezuela), San José (Costa Rica), Santiago (Dominican Republic), New York and New Jersey (USA). Some of his poems were published in the LACUHE Poetic Collection 2017. In 2018 he published a book of stories titled Introspectiva. In 2019, he ventured into children’s narrative with Ixpú y el alux.

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Yorman Mejias

Poetry workshop

An adoptive daughter of Sincelejo, Sucre. Business administrator. She was born on May 29, 1983, in Zipaquirá, Cundinamarca, Colombia. She published her first book Cien lágrimas para una sonrisa (One Hundred Tears for a Smile) in 2000 and took second place in the floral games of poetry in Sincelejo 2003. Catherine shared first place in the floral poetry games of Sincelejo in 2005. She is Co-founder of the Ágora Literary Workshop, in the department of Sucre. In 2007, she published her second book, Sosteniendo la Tarde/Holding the Afternoon. Her poems have been published in anthologies and Colombian magazines and in literary supplements in El Salvador. She currently resides in Montería, Córdoba, Colombia, and she is preparing a collection of poems “About giving birth and other shadows”.

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Catherine Peréz Gil

Project Management and Development

M.A in Conflict Transformation from Eastern Mennonite University, where he also serves as an assistant professor of Spanish in the language and literature program. He graduated in Graphic Design, with studies in Education for Peace at the Javeriana University in Colombia. He was born and raised in Sincelejo, Sucre-Colombia. He has worked in programs for the prevention of the recruitment of boys, girls, adolescents, and young people in Colombia. He is involved in activities to build public policies that promote equal rights for the LGBTQ + community and people with disabilities. His work methodology is through art as a means of promoting respect, justice, and peace. He has also volunteered for HIV and AIDS prevention organizations in New York City, such as the Latino Commission on AIDS, AIDFORAIDS International, and the Hispanic AIDS Forum, and currently leads the PazCaribe corporation in Colombia.

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José Juan Hernández 


On the first Friday of each month, a talk is held with a professional guest on topics such as public speaking, linguistics, leadership, or personal finance, among others.


This discussion and exchange of knowledge is offered through Google Meet; it is broadcast live on the Official Lidertura Facebook Page.



Exchange of literary experiences

On the second Friday of each month, a gathering is held on Google Meet and is broadcast live on the Official Lidertura Facebook Page. This is a space for a healthy exchange of stories and experiences in relation to writing and reading. For this activity, a promising writer with a substantive literary career is invited to share his or her knowledge and experiences with the young Ceretians and listen to the reading of poetic creations by the participants; in this way, their snippets get feedback.

Personalized Mentoring

A strategic methodology of personalized mentoring in a series of virtual meetings with each participant. Here the impact of the Lidertura academic programs will be examined, changes may be identified to maintain the promise of a safe and creative environment for personal and professional development of the participant, as well as the recognition of their individual needs. In this way, support materials or talks with professionals in the required area will be provided. Additionally, the mentoring sessions provide the importance of setting short and long-term goals, both during and after the First Lidertura Cycle.


The Lidertura Podcast is a program in which Samuel Acosta Ynoa asks international writers a series of questions about their experiences in the process of writing, editing, and publishing their works. He even delves into sales and promotion tactics, desktop publishing vs. traditional publication, ways to be published, and much more.


Listeners interested in writing a book obtain the essential tools to be able to make their dream a reality. Information related to the launch of the Podcast will be available very soon.

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